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All images below are available for print or on canvas.
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AssemblageJoshua Tree, CA | Renovation OpportunityTrinity, NL | EscalierBankhead, AB |
Krblin Jihn KabinJoshua Tree, CA | Ghosts 'n' StuffTrinity, NL | Exit Stage LeftBankhead, AB |
OverrunBankhead, AB | Legs for DaysJoshua Tree, CA | Bath TimeTrinity, NL |
ArchesBankhead, AB | RaggedJoshua Tree, CA | Cut-offTrinity, NL |
Get InTrinity, NL | Desert ViewsJoshua Tree, CA | Dark ShadowsBankhead, AB |
NightstandJoshua Tree, CA | Lean BackRowley, AB | Door's OpenBulwark, AB |
Factory SettingsTurner Valley, AB | ToweringBankhead, AB | Royal PineMadden, AB |
SnowfieldDorothy, AB | Indoor PlantBankhead, AB | TippedBadlands, AB |
Leave MeWainwright, AB | BeamingBadlands, AB | All Wood EverythingWainwright, AB |
Just Needs a Fresh Coat of PaintRowley, AB | Countdown to SpringWainwright, AB | IntrinsicTurner Valley, AB |
HibernalAirdrie, AB | Sal'sRumsey, AB | Through the WireJoshua Tree, CA |
Clear SkiesMadden, AB | The LooRowley, AB | GloamingWainwright, AB |
SliveredWainwright, AB | SolusWainwright, AB | HomespunBulwark, AB |
RumpledWainwright, AB | DepthBulwark, AB | Winter BluesAlberta Backroad |
Work HorseDiamond Valley, AB | AcetyleneRumsey, AB | DecorticateWainwright, AB |
SeasideTwillingate, NL | JaggedRowley, AB | The ClimbSharples, AB |
HomesteadClandonald, AB | HardenedRowley, AB | Make an EntranceRowley, AB |
AggrandizementRowley, AB | No LoiteringRowley, AB | Hirundo RusticaRowley, AB |
The Watering HoleRowley, AB | Better DaysBulwark, AB | Tucked AwayRowley, AB |
ShredsMadden, AB | DecliningBulwark, AB | SundownBulwark, AB |
Tiffany BlueBulwark, AB | The Thick of ItWainwright, AB | VacuityClandonald, AB |
Dead EndRowley, AB | Shadow WorkClandonald, AB | AjarWainwright, AB |
ImbricateAirdrie, AB | InoperableTurner Valley, AB | UnoccupiedWainwright, AB |
IMG_1250 | ShrapnelSharples, AB | Electric FeelBulwark, AB |
WarpedTurner Valley, AB | Season's ChangeSharples, AB | ScewedSharples, AB |
BloomHillgrade, NL | Seat YourselfClandonald, AB | FallenClandonald, AB |
GradationalWainwright, AB | EnsorcelledRowley, AB | On StandbyAirdrie, AB |
OutpostWainwright, AB | Flew the CoopClandonald, AB | BilliardsRowley, AB |
CombustTurner Valley, AB | HaspTurner Valley, AB | LombardySt, John's, NL |
OutcastSharples, AB | Hoo are you?Rowley, AB | FripperyClandonald, AB |
LacunaTurner Valley, AB | FlaxenWainwright, AB | FrayedWainwright, AB |
OverlayClandonald, AB | Exit OnlyClandonald, AB | ExhaustedTurner Valley, AB |
RubySharples, AB | See-throughSharples, AB | FaithSt. John's, NL |
SharplesSharples, AB | AslantSharples, AB | BasilicaSt. John's, NL |
LapseSt. John's, NL | LuminescenceTurner Valley, AB | SheaveTurner Valley, AB |
Quidi VidiQuidi Vidi, NL | CondemnedHillgrade, NL | BattenSharples, AB |
Cliff HangerTwillingate, NL | Onward and UpwardSharples, AB | TimewornTurner Valley, AB |
No Church in the WildHillgrade, NL | FractureWainwright, AB | RoyaliteTurner Valley, AB |
ShiveredClandonald, AB | AutumnalSharples, AB | Finest FindsWainwright, AB |
BarriersClandonald, AB | MurkSt. John's, NL | Penny FarthingWainwright, AB |
TatteredClandonald, AB | FreemasonSt. John's, NL | BlairWainwright, AB |
Long PointTwillingate, NL | The HatchClandonald, AB | OvergrownRowley, AB |
ReticentSt. John's, NL | DisrepairClandonald, AB | Local 26Rowley, AB |
Sams SaloonRowley, AB | FenestellaRowley, AB | ShutteredRowley, AB |
Cotton CandyWainwright, AB | Shut OutRowley, AB | UnkemptSharples, AB |
Alberta PacificDorothy, AB | Night LightWainwright, AB | Barn BoardWainwright, AB |
Light UpWainwright, AB |
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